
Friday 24 November 2017

Sore Throat Tea (Sage/Lemon)

We're through the first outbreak of sore throats and coughs and now we are battling the second. Cough syrups don't work so well for us so we drink a lot of tea instead. In an attempt to use up the herbs that are growing in our garden we try all kinds of things. Sometimes stumbling on something amazing. This tea (or herbal infusion to be exact) is definitely one of those things. All four of us have tried it and all agree that it works well to sooth the throat and it tastes good.

For one cup all you need is around 4 leaves of fresh sage (Salbei in German), 2 slices of lemon and some honey. Put the sage and the lemon in a cup (or pot) and pour boiling water over it. Let it sit for 6 - 8 minutes, strain and add honey to taste.

Enjoy this hot and you can literally feel it soothing your throat.

NOTE: Be careful which lemons you use since many have chemicals sprayed on them that are not for human consumption. If you are not sure if you can eat the rind, just squeeze some lemon juice into your tea instead.

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