
Friday 24 November 2017

Sore Throat Tea (Sage/Lemon)

We're through the first outbreak of sore throats and coughs and now we are battling the second. Cough syrups don't work so well for us so we drink a lot of tea instead. In an attempt to use up the herbs that are growing in our garden we try all kinds of things. Sometimes stumbling on something amazing. This tea (or herbal infusion to be exact) is definitely one of those things. All four of us have tried it and all agree that it works well to sooth the throat and it tastes good.

For one cup all you need is around 4 leaves of fresh sage (Salbei in German), 2 slices of lemon and some honey. Put the sage and the lemon in a cup (or pot) and pour boiling water over it. Let it sit for 6 - 8 minutes, strain and add honey to taste.

Enjoy this hot and you can literally feel it soothing your throat.

NOTE: Be careful which lemons you use since many have chemicals sprayed on them that are not for human consumption. If you are not sure if you can eat the rind, just squeeze some lemon juice into your tea instead.

Monday 20 November 2017

Twig door wreath

The kindergarten my children attended always has an Advent Bazzar in November. All the produce sold is made by the parents under the guidance of a very crafty teacher. One of the years they made these awesome wreaths made of twigs. They basically had a whole heap of someones garden trimmings and they molded them into shape and tied them together with brown wire.

Unfortunately I was not in the group that made the wreaths (I was busy managing the truffle making) so I don't know exactly how they made them. I did however manage to find a tutorial on YouTube that is pretty good.

Once you have the wreath the only thing that limits you is your imagination and wallet. I found some left over ribbon to make a huge bow for the bottom, bought a few cheap Christmas balls and used a string of plastic fall decorations to get a bit of colour.

I was very careful to use light weight things because we cannot nail anything into, or hook anything onto our door. It has to be held up with sticky tape!!

While decorating I found it best to hang the wreath up on a door so that I could see how everything fell (literally sometimes!). If using glass ornaments I would seriously advise you to put a thick blanket on the floor!

The whole thing is hung up by a matching ribbon (I ran out of left overs and picked up a new roll from IKEA, if I hadn't found it I would have just used wool) which is passed over the top of the door and stuck down with tape on the inside. Very, very heavy duty tape!

If your door can bear it the lights suggested in the tutorial are wonderful addition.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Recipe Index

This is not really a post! I cannot figure out how to make an index for my recipes, which I badly need. I could use a webpage instead of a blog but then I would have to pay for it (I'm a cheapo!). Note that homemade can be interpreted as being made from scratch. Everything is vegetarian, those marked with a V are vegan.


Butternut squash soup
Mushroom soup
Pumpkin and potato soup - half an hour

Sri Lankan curries:

Bean curry V, gluten free
Breadfruit curry V, gluten free
Dahl, red lentil V, gluten free
Drumstick (Murunga) curry V, gluten free
Eggplant curry V, gluten free
Fried bitter gourd curry (karavila) V, gluten free
Potato and pea curry - tempered (fried) V, gluten free
Pumpkin curry V, gluten free
Sweet onion sambol - seeni sambol V, gluten free
TVP (soya chunk) curry V, gluten free


American pancakes
Boiled eggs
Crows nest - half an hour
French toast
Granola - homemade V
Sri Lankan milk rice V, gluten free
Waffles (German style)


Bi bim bap, gluten free
Caramelized leek quiche
Channa Masala (chickpeas) with spinach V, gluten free
Cauliflower bake - Cheesy
Cauliflower cashew curry with coconut milk V, gluten free
Eggplant Parmesan
Eggplant with tofu - Chinese V, gluten free
Fried eggplant quiche
Fried rice - fusion variation V, gluten free
Falafel V
Grilled mini-eggplant V, gluten free
Guacamole V, gluten free
Hummus V, gluten free
Mexican (Spanish) rice V, gluten free
Refried beans V, gluten free
Rosemary garlic focaccia
Salsa - V, gluten free